
News - Cheshire and Warrington infrastructure charities join forces


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Infrastructure support charities from across Cheshire and Warrington have come together to form a collective: Cheshire and Warrington Infrastructure Partnership.

This partnership will work across the region to coordinate support for the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, share best practice and resources and help with the continuing efforts to tackle COVID-19, supporting communities and charitable organisations with their recovery.

The partnership includes the following organisations.

  • Cheshire West Voluntary Action
  • Cheshire Community Action
  • CVS Cheshire East
  • Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action
  • Warrington Voluntary Action

Secretariat and administration support for the partnership will be provided by Voluntary Sector North West, the regional voluntary sector network for the North West of England.

The formation of the Cheshire and Warrington Infrastructure Partnership follows the recent announcement that the three local authorities in the region and the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) have committed to a vision of building a better future after COVID-19. This is where businesses and local communities see improvements in four key areas: economic growth, health, sustainability and inclusivity. This is a goal the partnership fully supports and will work alongside colleagues in the public sector to achieve.

Clare Harrison, Deputy Chief Executive of Cheshire West Voluntary Action, said: “The partnership will provide a collective voice for the VCSE sector, enabling us to present a united front in discussions around how our communities can recover from the current crisis and Build Back Better with a fairer and more sustainable society.”

Caroline Whitney, Chief Executive of CVS Cheshire East, added: “We are delighted to be a founding member of this new partnership, which will ensure better cooperation and more joint working across the Cheshire and Warrington region.”

Alison Cullen, Chief Executive of Warrington Voluntary Action, added: “As a founding member of this new partnership, I am looking forward to participating on behalf of the sector on the new Public Sector Transformation Board.”

Margaret Cheshire, Chief Operations Officer of Cheshire Community Foundation, said: “We are delighted to have been coopted into the partnership and to play an important role in ensuring the sector is effectively linked into economic and funding conversations.”

For more information, contact Karen Conway, Partnerships Manager at Voluntary Sector North West: or 07483 159888.

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